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Pop superstars New Kids On The Block are back on tour in 2024 so you can catch them performing the biggest hits of their career to date. You can find tickets for all shows here, but you'd better hurry if you want to catch their incredible new stage show live. Their new "Magic Summer Tour" will feature opening acts Paula Abdul and DJ Jazzy Jeff. It's an absolute must-catch tour for anyone who grew up in the 80's. So don't miss out on the fun!
This website can help you find amazing tickets for all upcoming concerts, even those that haven't been announced yet — so be sure to visit regularly for the latest info about their touring plans. The best tickets are sure to sell out fast, though, so if you want to catch the high-energy entertainers live in concert, then you'd better get your tickets for the New Kids On The Block Tour 2025-2026 right away!
See New Kids On The Block live at Dolby Live!